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İcra Hakimiyyəti
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The Gabala community held an event dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the 20 January tragedy.

20 January 2020 | 16:00

As throughout the country, the 30th anniversary of the tragedy of January 20 is held in Gabala. From the first days of January, according to the “Plan of events for the thirtieth anniversary of the tragedy of January 20,” approved by Order of the head of the district’s executive power No. 113 of December 30, 2019, a series of events was held on January 20 in all the settlements, administrations, organizations and enterprises of the region. Stands, art exhibitions, contests of poems and essays, literary and artistic events reflecting the tragedy of January 20 were organized in educational institutions. On January 20, a crowd of thousands gathered in front of the Gabala martyrs complex in our city. First of all, at the ceremony, the chief executive of the district Sabuhi Abdullayev laid flowers in front of the Eternal Flame burning in the memorial complex and at the graves of the brave Gabala people who died for the freedom of our lands. Then crowds of people began to visit the memorial complex. With great respect and pride, the Gabala people visited the symbolic graves of our martyrs, who died for our lands and laid flowers in front of them. At 12 o’clock the cars stopped in the city to honor the sacred memory of the heroic sons of the Motherland with a minute signal. Gabala people will never forget the heroic people who wrote the annals of freedom of Azerbaijan with their blood on stone books and sacrificed their lives for the sake of their homeland on the night of January 20, and will always honor their memory.
