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In the district executive power a meeting by videoconference format was held with young people scored highest points.

19 September 2020 | 08:00

Head of the District Executive Power held a meeting by videoconference format with 11 school graduates successfully completed their secondary schools in Gabala district and scoring higher than 650 points in entrance exams in the academic year of 2019-2020. In the meeting, Head of the district congratulated the successful young people, educational community and parents, and wished them greater achievements in the future. He stated that due to the attention and care of Mr. President Ilham Aliyev and the First Vice President Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva, today our education is growing successfully and fortunately, education in Gabala is always in the front row. Finally, young students were awarded honorary certificates. Ismayil Masimov, a graduate of Nohurgishlag village secondary school, scoring 688 points in entrance exams, Zeynab Alasgarli, a graduate of Vandam settlement secondary school No. 1, scoring 678.7 points and Anar Malikov, a graduate of Gabala city secondary school No. 2, scoring 670 points, expressed their gratitude to Mr. President Ilham Aliyev and the First Vice President Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva for opportunity that they created, for their attention and care, and stated that they would be worthy young people of the Motherland.
