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İcra Hakimiyyəti
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Fire safety measures during the corn harvesting.

26 June 2020 | 07:00

Recently, Gabala branch of "Aqrolizinq" OJSC held an event on the topic of "Fire safety measures during the corn harvesting". This event, held in complete compliance with the rules of protection against the pandemic, was held with the purpose of education. The event was held in the form of answers to questions, discussions, in presence of employees of the North-West regional State Fire Control Service, regional administrative and territorial representations, representatives of municipalities, farmers and entrepreneurs. The event provided detailed the information about the fire protection rules. Today, the supply of corn is priority area in our economy. It is no coincidence that the head of state and the government have recently made important decisions to increase corn supplies and provide food for the population. In solving the tasks set related to the corn harvesting, the fire safety of this strategically important product is also to be constantly in the centre of attention, and all the necessary measures related to the fire safety are to be taken. During the season when the soil cover is replaced by golden clothing, combines go out to the fields, that is, the corn is harvested, silage, haylage, dry grass is harvested for livestock, it is necessary to strictly observe the fire safety rules to protect different grain and industrial crops from fire, including corns, as well coarse and juicy feed. First of all, it should be noted that the protection of agricultural products against fire should not only be the work of employees of fire protection agencies, but also main responsibility of all the workers working in the agricultural sector, including in the farming economy - farm managers, tractor drivers, combine operators, machine operators, mechanics, drivers, etc. It should be especially noted that each farm manager, not depending on the form of ownership, is responsible as a person responsible for the fire safety of subordinate facilities. Also, ranging from the beginning to the end of the period of haymaking and corn harvesting, the farm managers are to completely ensure the compliance with the fire safety rules, and therefore to conduct corresponding educational activities among agricultural workers. Before the grain and hay harvesting, all the farm managers, each person involved in the haymaking, must prepare agricultural equipment for the fire, completely provide it with primary fire extinguishing means. During the harvesting, transportation, processing and storage of grain and industrial crops, the persons responsible for the fire safety control are to be appointed by the order. Tractor and combine drivers taking part in the harvesting, their assistants, other machine operators, as well each person involved in the harvesting, must undergo the fire training on special program in the manner specified by the legislation. A person who has not been trained in the fire safety are not to be allowed to take part in the harvesting. All the equipment involved in the harvesting, before starting the work, must pass the fire technical inspection and released to the field after the making a certificate about that they meet the fire safety requirements. Relay pipes of all the equipment involved in harvesting, engines must be equipped with the spark arresters. There should be no damage in intermediate layers of connecting parts of the collectors and relay pipe. If autumn ploughing is implemented at the same time as the harvesting not far from uncut grain fields, then tractors for ploughing must be obligatorily provided with the spark arresters. Do not allow the use of the equipment without a cover (hood) or with open cover (hood) in order to prevent straw from entering outlet collector of the engine. Batteries of combines, tractors and self-propelled agricultural machinery with battery-powered engines must be provided with the switch that separates them from the starters, electrical wires in the equipment must be securely isolated, connections must be fastened, as well protected from friction and mechanical damage. The wires must be protected by rubber or plastic pipes in the places that pass through the body frame and its sharp corners. Compliance of the equipment involved in the harvesting with the fire safety requirements must be inspected by special commission organized at each enterprise, together with an employee of local State Fire Control authority. During corn and hay harvesting, it is expressly forbidden to start the combine by unauthorised person, its running by taking it in tow, up and down it at a height, set in the combine additional seats, allow a leakage of fuel and oil, leaving the equipment in the fields after the work is done, store extra fuel and lubricants at the combines. With the purpose of ensuring the fire safety during the ripening of grain and industrial crops, a number of necessary measures must be taken in urgent manner. Thus, if wood lines, roads, and railways are located close to the grain fields, the space between them must be mowed and ploughed, provided that the width will be at least 4 meters. Mown grass must be collected in a stack at a distance of at least 30 meters from the granaries. When the grain ripen, responsible persons must assign special guardians in order to protect the fields from the fire. Mown grass and grain must be removed from the site. During corn harvesting, hay harvesting, temporary field camps should be located at a distance of at least 100 meters from fields, corn floors and other flammable places. There should be especially designated smoking area in field camps, grain-cleaning corn floors and areas where hay and straw stacks are collected, and this area should be equipped with primary fire extinguishing equipment, as well have a sign with the writing "Smoking Area". It is expressly forbidden to smoke or use an open fire in other areas. During the harvest period, a number of necessary fire safety measures should be taken. With the purpose of prevention of the fires that may occur near the granaries where haymaking operations are implemented, tractors with ploughs should be available, hay burning and bonfires in and near the grain fields should not be allowed. Fuel supply of tractors, combines and other machines in the field conditions are to be implemented by refuelling machines after their engines are stopped. It is expressly forbidden to fill up the machines at night. With the purpose of the prevention of heating of rollers and other rubbing parts of assembly machines, it is necessary to strictly control their timely lubrication and reliable fastening, and to timely clean the straw mass entangled in the rotating mechanisms of combines and other equipment. Corn floors should be located at a distance of 50 meters from buildings and constructions and 100 meters from grain fields. The areas of the corn floor must be cleared of vegetation (grass), their surroundings must be ploughed to a width of 4 meters. We remind you once again that protecting agricultural products, especially grain, against the fire should be a matter of honour for everyone. Do not forget that grain is fertility, food, and it is grown at the expense of great labour. Protect this irreplaceable wealth from the fire!
