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A special session of the UN General Assembly dedicated to the fight against COVID-19 will be held on the initiative of President Ilham Aliyev.

08 July 2020 | 02:00

Today, the initiative of the President Ilham Aliyev to call a special session of the UN General Assembly continues to be spread by the world's leading media. This initiative of Ilham Aliyev is in the center of attention of the world media. The initiative of the President Ilham Aliyev to call a special session of the UN General Assembly finds a response among the world countries. This is a very crucial event. This shows the President's attitude not only to the security of the citizens of his country, but also of the peoples, countries of the world and their citizens. In this issue, Ilham Aliyev directly relies on the human factor and pays special attention to this it. This is a clear indicator of his humaneness. Let's take into account that today 213 countries have a strict quarantine regime. More than 11 million people have already been infected with coronavirus in 7 months, and today about 200 thousand people are infected with this virus every day around the world, and this figure still grows. The whole world is fighting the coronavirus. And the most terrible part is that this is a fight against an invisible enemy. More than 500 thousand people have already become the victims of the pandemic. Under the leadership of the President Ilham Aliyev, the Republic of Azerbaijan is putting forward important initiatives and takes effective measures to strengthen international solidarity in the fight against coronavirus at the regional and global levels. Recently, in his speech, Ilham Aliyev noted that during this difficult period, Azerbaijan provided official support to 30 countries in the fight against the pandemic. Millions of people live in these 30 countries. It is something to be proud of. In the current situation, Azerbaijan protects 10 million citizens without assistance from other countries or organizations, and provides assistance to millions of citizens of 30 countries. President Ilham Aliyev, speaking at the online summit of the Non-Alignment Movement, as an example of global solidarity put forward a proposal to hold a special session of the UN General Assembly at the level of heads of state and governments in the form of a videoconference, to combat the pandemic. The countries supporting this initiative cover all regions of the world. The support of about 130 UN Member States for the initiative of President Ilham Aliyev as Chairperson of the Non-Alignment Movement to call a special session of the UN General Assembly is an indicator of the confidence in our country on the part of the international community.
