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An event devoted to “New relations in apartment-communal field in Azerbaijan” was held

23 November 2013 | 10:00

A conferencedevoted to “New relations in apartment-communal field in Azerbaijan” was held with organization of the Ministry of Economy and Industry. In the event organized in the “Caucasus Riverside” hotel in Gabala city took part assistants of heads of regional executive powers on social–economic issues, executive representatives of settlements, as well as chairmen of municipalities. In his opening speech, assistant of the Head of Gabala Region Executive Power on agrarian issues, Rahib Ahmadov, noted establishment of new production and service enterprises, as well as social infrastructure objects and rise of employment level of the population at the result of the attention and care of the president of the state to the social-economic development of the regions of the country. He also stressed out significance of organization of such an event for information on new relations in apartment-communal field. Then, the head of the department of Apartment-communal policy of the Ministry Nizami Gasimov spoke about improvement of the provision of volume and quality of social infrastructure at the result of successful social-economic development strategy performed in the country. It was noted thatat the result of reasonable economic reforms,together with the other fields, significant measures were taken also in development of apartment-communal economy sector. A legislation basis meeting all modern international requirements was adopted by the Parliament of Azerbaijan Republic. New Apartment Code came into force on October 1, 2009 has a great significance for realization of the citizens’ apartment rights without barriers, development of social infrastructure, improvement of the system of communal services, as well as enhancement of  provision of the people with communal services. In accordance with the appropriate order of the President of Azerbaijan Republic, the Ministry was charged to prepareprojects of state policy, development conception, state programs, and legal acts in apartment-communal economy field. In order to establish an efficient mechanism of attaining the set aims, N.Gasimov stressed out the importance of wide scaled enlightenment and propaganda work together with the executive and municipal bodies and people’s information on news and privileges of the new Apartment Code. 
Deputy-director of the department of Apartment-communal policy of the Ministry Elshan Asadov made a presentation and spoke about privileges of Apartment Code, new management methods, and organization of joint work of local executive powers and municipal organs in implementation of the Code. Director of the Institute of Scientific Investigation of Economic Reforms Vilayat Valiyev said that adoption of Apartment Code of Azerbaijan Republic stimulated reforms in apartment-communal field. The institute makes researches in studying international experience for preparation of scientific bases for the policy conducted in this direction and puts forward propositions and recommendations in implementation of new management form in this field, decrease of irrationalexpenses, development of rivalry in management of living fund, formation of provider- consumer relations, attraction of investment in modernization of this field, taking efficient measures for saving energy resources, and attraction of private sector to stimulating of inventory and  privatization of living fund. Then the questions of the participants about new relations in apartment-communal field were answered and booklets named “Collection of documents on new management methods of apartment fund” were distributed.
