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June 1– the event was held devoted to the International Children's Day.

03 June 2014 | 15:00

On June 1st, Heydar Aliyev Park in Gabala, decorated with flowers, dipped in a festive atmosphere. There was no limit to delight of children, gathered at the festival. Opening the event with introductory words, the director of center of children's creativity, Rafiqa Shirinova, provided detailed information about the international day of protection of children, which was decided to be celebrated on June 1st, 1950 by the UN General Assembly in relation to children's rights, spoke about the works undertaken towards the strengthening state child care in our country, increasing attention to the problems of children, establishing demographic prospects, associated with children.
Then the festive event was continued; amateur-talent groups, consisting of children of children's creativity center, district art school and cultural center put on an interesting concert program.
Attending the event, Deputy Head of District Executive Power, Ataya Osmanova, congratulated children with this holiday, wished them a happy and bright future.
