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İcra Hakimiyyəti
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"The 7th International Conference on Disaster Risk Management" in Gabala was finished.

06 June 2014 | 15:00

"The 7th International Conference on Disaster Risk Management" on the initiative of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) and organized by the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan was finished on 5th June in Gabala. On the second day of the conference with the participation of the high-level officials and representatives of government agencies responsible in the management of emergencies of Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkey and Turkmenistan, being the members of the Economic Cooperation Organization, the report was done by the director of the Regional Center on Natural Disaster Risk Management, Majid Habibi Nokhandan, on the subject of "Prospects for joint activities in disaster risk management," head of Agency of disasters and emergencies management under the Head Ministry of Turkey, Fuat Oktay, on the subject of "Capacity building in the direction of effective risk management and disaster planning in place of disaster risk reduction", director of the Central Asian Institute for Applied Geoscience, Bolot Moldobekov, on the subject of "Monitoring of hazardous natural processes in Kyrgyzstan and transboundary areas", the president of the International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Abbas Ali Tasneemi, on the subject of "Managing risk of earthquakes and construction sector", the president of the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center, Chanavongze Krasaye, on the subject of "The Development of earthquake risk management in Asia", the chief of the Asian Disaster Reduction Center, Maki Yoshida, on the subject of "Promoting the disaster risk reduction through multinational cooperation in the Asian region".
Then within the conference the discussions were organized and various proposals were made related to disaster risk management.
In conclusion, the extensive concert program was organized for the participants of the conference at the Cultural Center of Gabala. Local artists presented to the guests the colorful folk performances and songs.
