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Schoolchildren of Gabala region were welcomed with joy in Shamkir region.

24 March 2019 | 04:00

9th-11th grade pupils consisting of Gabala region schoolchildren of the educational tour-campaign held under the slogan of “Learning our country”, as well as the group leaders and teachers accompanying them came to Tovuz city on March 23. After lunch in “Ayan Palace” hotel in Tovuz city, the tour-campaign participants left for Shamkir region. The schoolchildren were welcomed by the head of executive power of Shamkir region Alimpasha Mammadov, representatives of the executive apparatus and the urban community in front of Heydar Aliyev Centre. Here the schoolchildren firstly laid bunches of flowers in front of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev’s monument and remembered the memory of the genius with respect and honour. The schoolchildren began to get acquainted with Shamkir city and visited Heydar Aliyev Centre, Youth Centre, Flag Museum, Park of Monuments, German church and “Istiglal” park here. In the end, the tour-campaign participants returned to Tovuz region.
