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İcra Hakimiyyəti
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Offsite meeting-reception was held in the Hamzali village of the region.

23 April 2019 | 16:00

The regular offsite meeting-reception of the Head of the Gabala Region Executive Power Sabuhi Abdullayev was held on April 23 with residents of the Hamzali village. The meeting was attended by the heads of law enforcement agencies, relevant departments, enterprises and service organizations of the region. Opening the event, the Head of REP said that as a result of socially oriented reforms undertaken by President Ilham Aliyev, as well as the economic and political successes achieved in our country, social protection and the standard of living of the population are improving every day. Stressing that the work being done to create the conditions for satisfying the material and spiritual needs of citizens is Azerbaijan’s priority today, the Head of REP said that in accordance with the political will of President Ilham Aliyev, the human factor and interests of citizens are at the center of the country's policy. He said that all decrees and orders signed by the Head of State to increase the social welfare of the population are aimed at increasing citizens' satisfaction, and also noted that reforms in the field of raising minimum wages, pensions, scholarships and other benefits are based on the principles of social orientation and humanism. The Head of REP provided the meeting participants with detailed information on construction and improvement works carried out as a result of the adopted state programs in all regions, including the Gabala region. It was noted that the level of social assistance to the population in all our parts of every day more and more beautiful region, including Hamzali village, is growing day by day, and the rural residents are provided with uninterrupted communication, electricity and natural gas. Then the citizens were heard. They expressed their gratitude to the head of our state for the construction and reconstruction work carried out in our region and in Hamzali village in recent years, for the creation of new jobs. Residents Aslan Islamov, Amir Jafarov, Ikram Hasanov and others have requested overhaul of a rural school, the construction of a concrete dam on the bank of Hamzali River to strengthen the protection of the settlement from mudflows, as well as the replacement of lighting lines and transformers in the region. The head of the region executive power gave relevant instructions to the heads of relevant departments and organizations in connection with the issues raised by citizens and the implementation of their proposals.
