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An event on the occasion of June 15 - National Salvation Day was held at the Gabala Medical Diagnostic Center.

15 June 2019 | 02:00

A meeting dedicated to the “June 15 - National Salvation Day” was held at the Gabala Medical Diagnostic Center. Speaking at the event, Center's Chief Doctor Jeyhun Ahmadov noted that the entire stage of the new history of Azerbaijan is associated with the name of the great statesman of the 20th century, the founder of the Azerbaijani state, Heydar Aliyev. The name of the great leader has become a symbol of the people, and actions have become a symbol of personal zeal, his life and work have become the criteria of love and loyalty to his native people and land. The election of Heydar Aliyev as chairman to the country's highest legislative body on June 15, 1993 was essentially a political return. With his rescue mission, he inscribed another glorious day in the glorious page of the history of our statehood. June 15 went down in history as National Salvation Day. By the decision of June 27, 1997, the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan officially announced the return of Heydar Aliyev to the country's leadership as the Day of National Salvation of the Azerbaijani People. Speaking about Heydar Aliyev’s intense activity as a political and statesman who devoted his entire adult life to his people, speaking at the event said that many generations of the Azerbaijani people would benefit from this great school, Heydar Aliyev’s rich political heritage in the name of our country's development and well-being of our people.
