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Qualifying round of VI International Children's Mugham Festival was held among children under 16 years old

03 July 2014 | 05:00

Recently in our country the attention to the high level implementation of works related to the study and promotion of cultural heritage increased. The publication of an anthology of the great masters of mugham on the initiative of Friends of Azerbaijan Culture Foundation, creation of International Mugham Center on the initiative of the President Ilham Aliyev give grounds to say that the conduct of these studies is reasonable in the regions too.      
To this end, with the support of the Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Azerbaijan, to pass to the final round of the VI International Children's Mugham Festival, to be held in Baku, with the organizational support of the Youth Center "Kainat", on July 2nd, 2014 at the Cultural Center of Gabala the qualifying round over the Sheki-Zagatala region (Gabala, Oguz, Shaki, Gakh, Zagatala, Balaken) was held. The qualifying round was attended by children and teenagers under 16 years old and having the ability to sing the folk songs and mugham.
Speaking during the event, the Head of the District Office of Youth and Sports Fakhri Soltanov brought to attention that the main objective of the project consists of identifying young talents, development of mugham, which is our national wealth. Then, director of the "Kainat" Youth Center Rahib Rasulzade in his speech provided detailed information about the format and objectives of the project of the republican importance. The speaker expressed his own gratitude to the Head of the District Executive Power Mr. Sabuhi Abdullayev for the assistance in the holding of the qualifying round.
In conclusion of an interesting contest passing with applauses, the chairman of the contest's jury the People's Artist of the Republic Agasalim Abdullayev announced the results. It was noted that the winners of the qualifying round - resident of the Kichik Amili village of Gabala region Makhmudov Rasul and resident of Gakh region Mukhtarzade Movlud, got through to the final round which will be held in Baku in October.
