Gabala State Vocational Education Center announces student admission.
The Gabala State Vocational Education Center announces the admission of students for the 2019-2020 academic year. Graduates who have been educated on the basis of general secondary education can apply for specialties with a 3-year training period such as a tractor driver, repairman, electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment, farmer in agricultural production, a sewing equipment operator, and a seamstress, and for specialties with a 2-year training period such as a crop specialist, a specialist in agricultural services, a livestock specialist, and a master of viticulture and winemaking. And graduates who have completed the base of complete secondary education can receive education at the expense of the state in such specialties as tractor driver, carpenter, woodworker and parquet layer, electrician of linear telephone and radio devices, carpet maker, plumber, and for a fee on such specialties as a computer operator, accountant, electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment, security guard, laboratory assistant for chemical and bacteriological analysis, auto electrician, master of wood art.