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An action of blood donation was held in Gabala region.

04 July 2014 | 03:00

In accordance with the State Program "Taking care of children suffering from hemophilia and thalassemia" a regular blood donation campaign was held in Gabala. Overall, more than 200 volunteers from staff of District Executive Power, offices and organizations, law enforcement officials, as well as residents willingly joined the charity campaign, conducted with the support of the Republican Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology named after B.Eyvazov, as well as with the organizational assistance of Gabala Region Executive Power and Gabala Region Central Hospital. During the event, in order to assist people suffering from various blood diseases, the staff of the Central Blood Bank, primarily examined citizens wishing to donate blood.
Collected during the campaign blood and preparations made of this blood will be used for the treatment of patients with haemophilia and thalassemia, as well as all patients being in need of blood.
