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A round table was held on the subject of "Struggle against drugs is salvation of our morality".

11 July 2014 | 03:00

In the conference hall of the Cultural Center of Gabala a round table was held on the subject of "Struggle against drugs is salvation of our morality" with the organizational assistance of the Commission of the Executive Power of Gabala region on the Fight against Illicit Drug Trafficking and Drug Abuse. The event was attended by more than 45 representatives of active youth working in the different departments and enterprises of the region, as well as members of the public.
After welcoming the participants, opening the event with introductory speech member of the district commission Fakhri Soltanov said that the purpose of the round table is to encourage young people to be active in the fight against drug addiction and other addictions that have become a tragedy for humanity. During his speech the speaker announced the signing by the President Ilham Aliyev of the Order for the purpose of implementation of the "State Program on the Fight against Illicit Drug Trafficking of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors and spreading of drug addiction" in fight against drug abuse and being under the constant supervision of the tasks arising of this order. Saying in his speech that at the present moment there is no adolescents and youth in the number of registered drug addicts of Gabala region, Fakhri Soltanov told about the negative consequences of such bad habits among young people, their danger for our life and health, contradiction of this kind of lifestyle to our morality and religion, works and activities undertaken by the Department of Youth and Sport of Gabala region to fight drug abuse, using the capabilities of civil society.
Then deputy chief physician of the District Central Hospital Javanshir Malikov said in his report that the drug dependency treatment in Gabala region is rendered by office for substance abuse counselors under the polyclinic of CDH, currently 45 drug patients are registered at dispensary in the office for substance abuse counselors and all patients are examined in the republican drug rehabilitation center. Javanshir Malikov told about works, discussions held by CDH in the area of health education among the population, reading lectures and publication of articles in press.
Saying in his speech about preventive measures carried out in collaboration with relevant organizations on a regular basis in the educational institutions and schools, against illicit traffic of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances among children and adolescents and their harmful effects on the human body, Head of Methodics Office of the District Education Department Arifa Bayramova said that sport is the most important tool in the prevention of bad habits that cause unhealthy lifestyle. Arifa Bayramova told about the development of schoolchildren' viability be means of activity in sport, positive effect on education associated with a healthy lifestyle, and about help in avoiding bad habits and unhealthy lifestyle.
In conclusion, the suggestions offered by the participants of the round table were heard and the answers were given to their questions.
