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The event "October 18 - National Independence Day" was held with the joint organization of the Gabala Center for Support for Children and Families and the Gabala Regional Center "ASAN Service".

19 October 2019 | 06:00

On the occasion of October 18 - National Independence Day, an event "Our independence is eternal and irreversible" was held with the joint organization of the Gabala Center for the Support of Children and Families and the Gabala Regional Center "ASAN Services". The event was attended by employees of the Gabala CSCF, volunteers of the Gabala regional center "ASAN Service", employees of the Heydar Aliyev Center of the Gabala region, employees of the Gabala Museum of Local Lore and students of the full secondary school No. 1 of Gabala. Opening the event with an introductory speech, the director of the CSCF, Gunel Aghayeva, spoke about the long and difficult struggle of our state for independence. Hokuma Ismayilova, a specialist in social work at the Central Public Administration, said that Azerbaijan has won independence twice in a century. She noted that independence, won in 1918, lasted only 23 months. 70 years later, a second historical opportunity appeared. Azerbaijan, didn’t lose its second chance and adopted a “Constitutional Act on State Independence of Azerbaijan” at a session of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan on October 18, 1991. Speakers noted that today President Ilham Aliyev successfully continues the wise policy of national leader Heydar Aliyev, aimed at a happy future for our people and the strengthening of our state. At the end of the event, participants listened to the artistic composition of the students and it was demonstrated a video about state independence.
