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An event dedicated to October 18 - Independence Day was held at the Gabala Treatment and Diagnostic Center.

19 October 2019 | 04:00

A meeting dedicated to "October 18 - Independence Day" was held at the Gabala Treatment and Diagnostic Center. The chief physician of the Center, Jeyhun Ahmedov, speaking at the event, said that our people have dreamed of gaining independence and living in a free and sovereign state for centuries. However, due to the fact that Azerbaijan is rich in natural resources and has a favorable geographical position, imperial forces have always kept it under their influence and prevented it from becoming an independent state. Our people have been compelled to keep in their hearts their desire for freedom and independence for many years. On October 18, 1991, with the adoption of the Constitutional Act on State Independence, a new period began in the history of Azerbaijan - a period of independent development. It was noted that the multi-vector political course pursued by President Ilham Aliyev, who continues to adequately pursue the policy of Heydar Aliyev, further strengthens the state independence of Azerbaijan. Speaking at the meeting, the center’s doctors noted that Azerbaijan, which pursues an independent internal and foreign policy, has a reputation not only in the region, but also at the international level, and said that today every citizen of Azerbaijan is ready to unite to free our lands.
