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During the National Theatre performance the work of I.B.Gutgashinli "Rashid bey and Saadat khanum" was presented.

21 July 2014 | 03:00

The mass cultural events within the "Gabala Capital of Legends of Azerbaijan 2014" go on in the area. One of them was the performance of the masterpiece of I.B. Gutgashenli, "Rashid bey and Saadat khanum" to the theatre-goers by the People's Theatre named after I.B.Gutgashenli, acting at the Cultural Center of Gabala.
Difficult for stage work was successfully staged by the performance group. Actors played skillfully the inner tension, feelings and emotions of their characters. 
The director of the performance Fizuli Sarkarov, artist Malik Aghayev, lighting director Suleyman Yagubov. The role of Rashid bey was played by Khayal Ganjimov, Saadat khanum - Shahana Velizade, Aziz - Ruhib Rashidov, Chamakh - Leila Zakirova. The performance was greeted with applause of the region's public.
