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İcra Hakimiyyəti
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An offsite reception was held in the Imamli village of the region.

21 November 2019 | 09:00

The next offsite meeting-reception of the Head of the Gabala Region Executive Power Sabuhi Abdullayev took place in Imamli village. The meeting was attended by senior officials of the Region Executive Power, heads of law enforcement agencies, service organizations, representatives of the rural community and elders. Opening the event, the Head of the REP gave the meeting participants detailed information about the events planned in all the residential areas of the region, including Imamli village. Sabuhi Abdullayev noted that thanks to the government’s concern for the agricultural sector, agriculture plays an important role in improving the well-being of the population, its security, from this point of view, certain works were carried out in Imamli as well. Then the villagers were heard. The meeting participants expressed deep gratitude to President Ilham Aliyev for the successful results of the implemented social projects. Residents Zabit Ibrahimov, Sahrab Hajiyev, Javanshir Maharramov, Sarah Mammadhuseynova, Safa Hajiyev, Samit Ibrahimov and others in their speeches asked to asphalt the Mirzabeyli-Imamli road, drill a new artesian well, lay a gas pipeline to the territory, install an additional transformer in the village, repair electricity lines in the village, and the construct a concrete border band on the banks of the river. The Head of the Region Executive Power gave relevant instructions to the heads of organizations with the competence to resolve issues on the proposals put forward. He noted that the gas pipeline and asphalt road are being laid in accordance with the state program. He brought to the attention of the meeting participants that, in accordance with the instructions of the Head of State, over the next few years there will be no settlements in the region without gas supply, and the asphalting of roads will be completed in stages.
