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İcra Hakimiyyəti
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The works of the well-known composers, performances of the soloists of Vienna Academy Orchestra and mugham night held within the confines of VI Gabala International Music Festival were greeted with applauses of the audience.

26 July 2014 | 03:00

VI Gabala International Music Festival held with the organization of Heydar Aliyev Fund, the foundation of new tradition in the history of the national Azerbaijani music culture, playing an important role in the expansion of international cultural relations, promotion of our rich musical culture in the world society is running successfully. According to the program of festival, the works of the famous European composers were performed in the next chamber concert presented in “Qafqaz Resort” hotel at 12:00. The participants of different prestigious festivals and laureates of international contests, pianists – Aslan Aslanov, Mushfig Guliyev, the student of Paris Music School named after Alfred Cortot, clarinet player Saddam Novruzbayov, the student of Queen Sophia High Music School of Madrid, violinist Kamran Guliyev performed in the concert. Musicians touched the hearts of the audience with their wonderful performances.
Thereafter, the soloists of Vienna Academy Orchestra played in the next chamber music night held in the chamber hall of “Qafqaz Resort” hotel at 18:00 according to the program. 
Wonderful performances of Austria’s orchestra soloists performing the works of the Classical composers of Europe were greeted with thunderous applauses of the audience.
At the end of the day, open air mugham night held in accordance with the program of exciting festival fascinated the audience.
Merited Artist, Presidential award recipient Sabuhi Ibayev, the participant of different prestigious festivals and laureate of international festival Kamila Nabiyeva, the winner of “Mugham-Television Competition 2011” Sabina Arabli, talented khanende Sarkhan Bunyadzada performed in the concert.
Mugham compositions and the works of our composers were played in the concert watched by more than 1000 spectators in total. Mugham performers were accompanied by Merited Artist Sahib Pashazada (tar), Toghrul Asadullayev (kamancha), Mehman Nuriyev (balaban), Safa Karimov (ud), Emin Jabrayilov (naghara), Chinara Mutallibova (canon). “Segah”, “Jahargar”, “Dilkash”, “Shushtar”, “Bayati-Shiraz” tasnifs as well as “Garagila”, “Khumar oldum”, “Manim Azerbayjanim” songs, “Garabagh shikastasi” performed by khanendes (singers) were completed under the thunderous applauses of the audience.
