The reporting meeting was held in the administrative-territorial representative office of Nokhurgishlag village.
During the reporting meeting in Nokhurgishlag village, the authorized representative of the Head of the Region Executive Power over the administrative-territorial district Babak Masimov made a report on the work done in 2019 and the challenges ahead. It was noted that in 2019 landscaping continued in Nokhurgishlag village, as in all the settlements of the region. The population was provided with uninterrupted electricity, drinking and irrigation water, the roads connecting the villages were put in order. It was reported that the rural population is mainly engaged in animal husbandry, horticulture and agriculture. Thanks to state care for farmers, high productivity was achieved in 2019. Underwinter sowing for the grain harvest of 2020 were carried out in an organized and agrotechnical way. In the report, the representative of the executive power informed the meeting participants in detail about the tasks for 2020. The villagers who spoke at the reporting meeting expressed opinion on the activity of the administrative-territorial representative office, made proposals for the works to be carried out in the village. The Deputy Head of the Gabala Region Executive Power Arif Allahverdiyev, who took part in the meeting, in his speech informed about the socio-economic projects implemented in 2019 in the country and the region. In this context, the Deputy Head of the REP, who evaluated the work of the administrative-territorial representative office of Nokhurgishlag village, told about the upcoming tasks. A draft decision had been discussed and adopted during the reporting meeting.