Agricultural production in Gabala increased 3.4%.
29 January 2020 | 16:00
Agricultural products worth AZN 100.2 million were produced in the Gabala Region in 2019. Compared to the previous year, agricultural sector production has increased by AZN 3.3 million or 3.4 per cent. Crop production has accounted for AZN 43.3 million, while livestock production has accounted for AZN 56.9 million of total production. Last year, there was recorded 3.1 per cent growth in crop production, and 3.6 per cent growth in livestock production. In 2019, the region produced 6 thousand 251.5 tons of meat in live weight, 40 thousand 501.8 tons of milk, 22 million 958 thousand eggs and 413.2 tons of wool.