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İcra Hakimiyyəti
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The bloody tragedy will not be forgotten.

22 February 2020 | 07:00

Memorial ceremony dedicated to the 28th anniversary of Khojali genocide was held at Gabala Tourism and Hotel Business Vocational Educational Center. First of all, the event participants honored the memory of our compatriots who became martyrs in Khojali genocide by a moment of silence. Director of Educational Center, Eyvaz Kazimov, speaking, said that the memory of the victims of the genocide will never be forgotten. The Director noted that great political culture and high diplomatic skills shown by the President Ilham Aliyev in panel discussions related to Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict with the Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan within the 56th Munich Security Conference is another striking a manifestation of the ability of the leader of our country to accurately and conceptually approach problems and his decisive position. The leader taught the opposite side wonderful historical lesson and sent diplomatic message. Employees of the Center Aytan Bakirova, Ilham Afandiyev and others in their speeches reported that Khojali genocide committed on the night of February 25 to 26, 1992, was the most terrible crime committed by Armenians against Azerbaijanis over the years. Students of Educational Center read poems dedicated to Khojali genocide, demonstrated compositions.
