Pupils of Gabala region Mirzabeyli village complete secondary school named after Ilham Kerimov got acquainted with Gabala State Historical and Art Reserve and Gabala Archaeological Centre
The pupils of 7, 8 and 9 forms of Gabala region Mirzabeyli village complete secondary school named after Ilham Kerimov got acquainted with the activities of Gabala State Historical and Art Reserve and Gabala Archaeological Centre at Chukhur Gabala village. The director of Gabala State Historical and Art Reserve, Zahir Karimov, who greeted primarily schoolchildren in the Assembly Hall of the Centre, provided schoolchildren with details about ancient Gabala city, which had been the capital of Caucasian Albania for 900 years, and with the work activities of Gabala State Historical and Art Reserve and Gabala Archaeological Centre. It was reported that, after a 15-year pause, at the Reserve, on the initiative, with the organization and financial support of Azerbaijan-Korean Cultural Exchange Association SEBA (Seoul-Baku), archaeologists of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of ANAS since 2005, and archaeologists from South Korea since 2009, have been implemented archaeological excavations on the territory of the Reserve, have been implemented joint activities. In recent years, prof. Gafar Jabiyev conducted extensive archaeological research on the territory of the Fortress, and construction remains and production centres belonging to various cultural layers were established. Besides, prof. Ilyas Babaev in the place of Ancient City discovered new remains of the building with an oval plan, thus, the number of such buildings reached 5. For 2018-2019, under the leadership of PhD Jeyhun Eminli, “Gabala Archaeological Expedition of Antique and Early Middle Ages” investigated on the territory of Salbir, as well outside the territory of the Reserve, the grave tools and places of residence dating back to the Ancient period. Defence Wall, Western Defence Wall and remains of various buildings were investigated by Azerbaijan-Korean International Expedition on the territory of Salbir. It was noted that, the head of state, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, during his visit to Gabala in 2014, officially opened the Centre, got acquainted with it, and highly appreciated the creation of such a centre. Schoolchildren also took part in the tree planting campaign. Thus, the students planted fruit trees of local varieties in the courtyard of Gabala Archaeological Centre and on the territory of the Reserve. In the end, the members of the school team took pictures for memory.