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A graduation ceremony was held in Tourism and Hotel Business Vocational Training Center.

14 August 2014 | 03:00

A graduation ceremony for 2013-2014 academic year was held in Tourism and Hotel Business Vocational Training Center.
During his speech at the meeting, the center's director Eyvaz Kyazimov said that the work and achievements in connection with the development of tourism in our country under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev today have special significance in the promotion of Azerbaijan.
It was noted that during the 2013-2014 academic year the 151 students graduated from the training center, including 42 people on the basis of general secondary education, and 109 people on the basis of complete secondary education. It was brought to the attention that diplomas of the graduates are recognized in tourism enterprises of our country and they are given appropriate assistance for their employment in the field.
During his speech at the meeting, the representative of the District Executive Power Zahid Efendiev, congratulating the graduates, spoke about the great attention and care to the young people shown by the Head of the State Mr. Ilham Aliyev, about ensuring their employment, as well as successful reforms carried out in the direction of a professional orientation.
Taking part in the presentation, the Chairman of the Training Center Commission for the State Final Examinations Ali Chaylak in his speech congratulated graduates successfully completed education and wished them best luck. He expressed confidence that the graduates of Vocational Training Centre will make a worthy contribution to the development of tourism infrastructure of Gabala. Speaking at the meeting parents and teachers of the center, talking about the care of vocational education shown by the state, said that the youth has a strong interest in this area.
Graduates making speech expressed their appreciation for the opportunities created for them and promised to justify the trust of their parents and teachers placed in them.
