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İcra Hakimiyyəti
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Urgent measures against the threat that can be created by coronavirus (COVID - 19) are going on.

22 April 2020 | 04:00

In order to prevent cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) infection in Gabala region, prevent it and improve the effectiveness of appropriate preventive measures in this field, based on the schedule drawn up by regional Executive power, the implementation of large-scale preventive measures are going on. In this connection, sanitary and disinfection works within the measures related to fighting against the pandemic in the region have regular nature. Thus, during the day, in Gabala city, sanitary and disinfection works were implemented in 4 apartment buildings, entrances of these buildings and on 1 street. As well, during the events, the residents were explained the importance of observing the requirements of personal and collective hygiene by each citizen. As well, related to special quarantine regime, Gabala region Executive power provided food aid to low-income families in need and lonely elderly residents. We would also like to note that disinfection activities in the region will continue in subsequent days.
