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Food aid is provided to low-income families.

27 April 2020 | 02:00

In support to large-scale measures taken by the government regarding the special quarantine applied in the country to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection, Gabala Region Executive Power always pays particular attention to low-income families, elderly and lonely citizens. Their problems are listened to, relevant social services are rendered, and assistance containing necessary food products is provided. Talks are held with these citizens to raise public awareness, and the importance of compliance with the rules and recommendations defined in the special quarantine is underlined. One of such charitable events was organized on April 25 by Gabala Region Committee of the Trade Union of Public Agencies and Social Service Workers. The Committee employees provided food aid to 25 low-income families and elderly residents living alone on that day. Residents expressed their gratitude to the President for the attention and care provided to them.
