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İcra Hakimiyyəti
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Instant medical prophylactic and social measures are being continued in Gabala.

29 April 2020 | 16:00

Instant medical prophylactic and social measures are being continued in Gabala district in order to prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) infection on the framework of the special quarantine regime applied in the country. Sanitary-disinfection works were carried out in 2 residential buildings in Gabala city and entrances of those buildings and 3 convenience stores and their vicinity on April 29. Along with disinfection work, propaganda-explanation work is being implemented in the district to protect people from dangerous infections, they are explained the importance of compliance with the rules of the special quarantine regime. Special attention is paid to the people staying at home, especially elder lonely people over 65, special families during special quarantine regime. The provision of various food aid to this category of citizens is also supported by administration, institution, organization and businessmen of the district on the initiative of Gabala District Executive Power.
