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İcra Hakimiyyəti
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Cultural workers of Gabala city took part in the festival, held in the Republic of Dagestan.

23 August 2014 | 03:00

The II International Festival of Traditional Culture "Tsamauri" was held in the Dagestan Republic from 14 to 16 August.
The festival was attended by creative groups and folk singers, masters of decorative applied art of Dagestan, Chechnya, Ingushetia, Stavropol Territory and Azerbaijan. The purpose of the event - a joint development of a multi-faceted culture, the strengthening of friendship among nations, peace and understanding among peoples of Russia, Azerbaijan and Dagestan.  
The cultural workers of Gabala region  were invited to this grand event from Azerbaijan. Folk music performed by our compatriots was warmly received by the audience of Dagestan. In addition to folklore, concerts and musical performances, mass sport competitions and entertainment events were also organized during the festival, which was held within the extensive program. The winners of contests and competitions were awarded the diplomas and gifts.
