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The chief of Gabala region Executive power, Sabuhi Abdullayev, held online video meeting with the participation of heads of law enforcement agencies, departments and organizations of the region.

01 July 2020 | 16:00

At the meeting, the head of Gabala REP Sabuhi Abdullayev noted that preventive measures taken by the President Ilham Aliyev in the country since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in the world, are being implemented successfully. It was once again emphasized that orders and instructions of the Head of state should be fulfilled, as well the responsibility of each citizen in this matter was noted. Besides, all the heads of departments and organizations of the region were given instructions to continue measures on the fighting against the spread of the pandemic. It was noted that sanitary-disinfection and cleaning operations have been strengthened on the territory of the region, especially in the settlements and crowded areas, and educational activities related to the coronavirus are constantly conducted among the population, and that law enforcement agencies play special role in this matter. With the purpose of the fighting against the coronavirus, the importance of constant, joint activities of special groups consisting of the employees of Executive power, police and volunteers, and the use of the forces of all the departments, organizations and enterprises in this matter was noted. It was noted that in large-scale fighting implemented by the President Ilham Aliyev against corruption and bribery in the country, the law enforcement agencies of the region also bear great responsibility, and the head of each department and organization was given corresponding instructions related to taking corresponding measures to prevent cases of corruption and bribery in their sphere and resolutely fighting against such cases.
