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İcra Hakimiyyəti
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Awareness-raising actions for people on the pandemic are continued by employees of Gabala District Executive Power and young volunteers.

12 July 2020 | 06:00

Employees of Gabala District Executive Power and young volunteers of Youth Development and Career Center are successfully continuing awareness-raising actions for people related to COVID-19 pandemic. Awareness-raising conversations are carried out among entities, organizations and residents in order to fight against the coronavirus pandemic, requirements and recommendations of the Task Force under the Cabinet of Ministers are brought to the attention of citizens. Necessary matters such as following personal hygiene rules, using protective masks in indoor spaces and keeping social distance are explained to citizens, it is stated that administrative penalty measures shall be taken against persons violating requirements. Together with verbal information, booklets indicating information that will reduce the infection risk of COVID-19 virus are distributed to residents, and notifications are placed at the entrances and exits of residential buildings, business facilities and crowded places.
