Raids are continued to ensure compliance with the requirements of the special quarantine regime.
On July 20, 2020, raids were continued by mobile groups to prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) infection in the region and its possible complications. During the raids carried out, enlightening talks were held with employees of trade facilities, as well as other service organizations and citizens, and they were advised to use medical masks, keep social distance and properly follow personal hygiene rules to prevent the spread of the disease. In total, 55 trade facilities and 57 other facilities were inspected during the day. 1 family of a deceased was warned not to hold a mourning ceremony. 2 employees of a public catering facility and 1 employee of a car wash were each fined 100 manats under the relevant article of the Code of Administrative Offenses. Raids by mobile groups and awareness-raising activities among the population are continued.