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İcra Hakimiyyəti
Hot line: (+994 24) 205-42-20

Measures are continued to prevent the coronavirus pandemic in Gabala.

23 July 2020 | 12:00

On July 22, 2020, raids were continued by mobile groups established in the region. They carried on enlightening talks with the people working in trade, public catering and other facilities. During the raids, the importance of keeping social distance, using medical masks and proper observance of hygienic rules to prevent the spread of the disease were once again brought to the attention of the citizens. During the day, 50 trade facilities and 58 other facilities that the population appeal to more were inspected. Families of 2 deceased were warned not to hold mourning ceremonies. 3 employees of a public catering facility, 1 employee of a petrol station and 1 employee of a car repair facility were each fined in the amount of 100 manats by the relevant article of the Code of Administrative Offenses. In accordance with the relevant decisions and decrees of the Operational Headquarters, raids are continued regularly in the region.
