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İcra Hakimiyyəti
Hot line: (+994 24) 204-01-02: 204-19-55

Raids are continued in the region to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection and the danger it can cause.

26 July 2020 | 11:00

On July 25, 2020, raids were continued by mobile groups operating in the region to know the situation related to the compliance with the rules set in public catering, trade and other social facilities in connection with the special quarantine regime applied in the country, take measures to raise awareness and against the violation of the quarantine rules. During the raids carried out, enlightening talks were held with the residents and they were explained the requirements and recommendations arising from the fight against the pandemic. The importance of using medical masks, keeping social distance and compliance with other requirements set by the Operational Headquarters was once again brought to the attention of citizens. During the day, 42 trade and 54 other facilities that the citizens appeal to more were inspected. Families of 2 deceased persons were warned not to hold mourning ceremonies. Measures are continued in this direction to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Operational Headquarters.
