Inspections and other urgent actions related to the special quarantine regime are underway in the district.
Awareness-raising measures among the people, control measures for the compliance with the quarantine rules in order to prevent the wide spread of the coronavirus inspection were continued in Gabala on August 01, 2020. Inspections were carried out by mobile groups in order to study the current situation related to following the defined rules in public catering, business and other facilities mostly visited by people and to take necessary measures in the district. During inspections, necessity of wearing medical masks, keeping social distance and following other requirements defined by the Task Force was explained. During the day, totally 41 business facilities and 63 other facilities have been inspected. 3 families of deceased were warned of not to hold a mourning ceremony. 1 of Baku citizens were fined 200 manat, 6 of public catering employees and 13 of business facility employees were fined 100 manat under the relevant article of the Code of Administrative Offenses. Necessary inspections are underway in order to fight against the coronavirus pandemic.