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İcra Hakimiyyəti
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President of Azerbaijan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief is leading military and strategic operations successfully, as well as he has made historic achievements in diplomatic, information and political level.

15 October 2020 | 02:00

Now Azerbaijan is conducting a Homeland war. We are able to make achievements not only in successful military operations, but also in the diplomatic, political and information level in this war. All these are being realized thanks to President of Azerbaijan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev’s political experience and will. Our President also defends interests of our country on the information front and he makes new history on this front. The Azerbaijani Army fights on the front and wins, while our diplomacy lists its achievements on the diplomatic front. Today we are fighting on the information front in parallel. We gain valuable and historic victories on all of above-mentioned fronts. At first sight, hybrid wars are seen to be conducted in different platforms, levels and segments, however all these have one hero that is President Ilham Aliyev who is forming our national diplomacy considered brain of national strength, and the author of our foreign policy strategy. From September 27 until today President of Azerbaijan has been leading military and strategic operations of our Army as Supreme Commander-in-Chief successfully, as well as he has made historic achievements in the diplomatic, information and political level. Our military successes are so great that Azerbaijan has never made such great achievements in its 200-year history in the military level. Therefore, this war is our real liberty war in substance and content. Moreover, in parallel, from September 27 until today President of Azerbaijan has been interviewed in the greatest, leading information resources and TV channels of the world in its impact and scope. He communicated Azerbaijan truths to the whole world in his interviews to many TV channels from “Al Arabia” to “Al Jazeera”, CNN, “Rossiya1”, RBK, “Haber Global”. “We will build cities there, and we will return life to those places. We will restore all destroyed places. Those territories are being controlled by our Army. Some of our territories liberated from occupation have already been visited by our press representatives. The other of these lands are videotaped by servicemen, it is obviously seen that there is no single undamaged premises there. So, these are deeds of fascists. The world must and will show it” – President said in his interview to Turkey’s “Haber Global” TV channel. President also stated that Armenians destroyed all our villages. They did it so that Azerbaijanis would not and could not go back there. However they don’t know the will of the Azerbaijani people. We have built Jojug Marjanli for eight months. Now people live there, there is gas, water, electricity, mosque, hospital, school, houses and everything there. We should turn those areas into paradise. Those lands will reinvigorate, life and children’s laughter will return there. “Therefore we should work on development plans of those regions, and appropriate instructions have already been given. Planning will be developed, so the Azerbaijani people will return to those regions and they will settle there as soon as possible”. Each of those interviews is a historical interview to be written in the diplomacy history. While separately analyzing, each of them has reality, content and special importance for expressing truths. Meanwhile, there is a special matter in those interviews and it is necessary to dwell on this matter. This is the diplomatic language, stylistics, method and content used by President Ilham Aliyev in his interviews. Each of them is specially selected and very efficient forms in order to change the global opinion in favour of us. All these show that achievements that we made in both liberty war on the front and in diplomacy, political level has only one architect who is President Ilham Aliyev. The fact that our country has not yet been condemned by any state or international organization in the global arena is related to the President’s speeches and the persuasiveness of opinions and interviews in those speeches. Our President has provided the common public opinion in favour of us in the global information platform until now. These speeches, interviews and generally successful progress should be reflected and learned as the greatest achievements made in Azerbaijan’s diplomacy history in the form of visual aids in textbooks taught on diplomacy and political subjects. We can surely say that successes achieved by our President in the war until now have created such a solid military and political ground for ensuring the return of Nagorno Karabakh to Azerbaijan that our territorial integrity will be restored as soon as possible. As the President said: “We will take revenge for bombing of Ganja bombing in the battlefield. We are committed to the ceasefire regime applied since October 10, at 12 p.m., however when we see that the opponent does not comply with it, we should also defend ourselves. The victory is ours! Karabakh is Azerbaijan!
