Azerbaijan is one of the ten most reformist countries in the world.
As a result of relevant studies, it was found that in the “Doing Business 2020” report, reforms carried out in Azerbaijan in 3 directions (on the indicators “connection to electrical networks”, “contract enforcement”, “cross-border trade”) were improperly assessed, with a low score on the point scale. After appropriate adjustments in the “Doing Business 2020” report, Azerbaijan's score was increased from 76.7 to 78.5. Thus, the country has advanced in the world ranking from 34th to 28th position among 191 countries. From the updated indicators, “connection to electrical networks” is measured by procedures (numbers), time (days), cost (gross national income (GNI) per capita) and the reliability of the electricity supply and the transparency of tariffs. According to the information of CAERC, reform of the application of the geographic information system in the utility system in the relevant direction in our country has eliminated the need for field inspections and led to reduce the time required for documentation in this area. Particularly, the procedure for conducting field inspections for technical conditions has been cancelled and the time for acceptance of technical conditions has been reduced. Thus, as a result of the consolidation of technical conditions and connection to electrical systems in one package, the number of procedures for connection to electricity was reduced to 5, and the duration to 32 days. However, the appropriate figures were previously reported as 7 and 41 days, accordingly. “The Contract Enforcement” indicator defines whether each country has applied in its judicial system 4 areas - court structure and proceedings, case management, court automation and best practices in alternative dispute resolution through the “Quality of judicial processes index”. Thus, the approval by the World Bank of a number of important reforms in the country, such as the definition of court proceedings, the introduction of e-management system for judges and lawyers, has increased Azerbaijan's score on the relevant sub-indicator from 6.5 to 10.5 points. The assignment of proceedings in the country, execution of a number of important reforms, such as the introduction of e-management system for judges and lawyers, approval by the World Bank has led to an increase in Azerbaijan's score on the relevant sub-indicator from 6.5 to 10.5 points. The “Doing Business” Report prepared by the World Bank is deemed as the most important and reliable rating indicator in the world for assessing the ease of the business environment. The purpose of the report is to measure the regulation of entrepreneurial activity and its impact on the establishment of new economic entities and the conducting of business operations. “Doing Business” team evaluates reforms across countries for reporting purposes based on responses to inquiries acquired from both government and numerous business representatives, as well as from reputable consulting companies. Special expert missions are sent to the countries to inspect the reforms; the application of reforms in practice is examined by appropriate criteria. As a result, positions of each country are determined by calculating a special price point for both general and 10 indicators. As for the factors influencing Azerbaijan's position, which has been improving year by year in the report, the role of comprehensive reforms in the country is undoubtedly great. Thus, significant progress has been made in all areas of the business environment, especially in starting a business, obtaining permits for construction, paying taxes, property registration, conducting foreign trade to support entrepreneurship in the country. In addition, comprehensive measures were taken in this area after the Order No. 2199 of the Head of State dated July 13, 2016 "On Additional Measures to Increase Conducive Business Environment in the Republic of Azerbaijan and Further improve Country's Position in International Rankings". Our country figured 80th out of 189 countries in the “Doing Business 2015” report of both factors, ranked 63rd in the 2016 report, 65th in the 2017 report, 57th in the 2018 report, and 25th in the 2019 report accordingly.