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Report- meeting was held in Administrative Territorial Representation of Nij settlement on works performed in social and economic sphere in 2013.

24 January 2014 | 16:00

Report-meeting   of  Administrative  territorial representation  was  held  in  Nij settlement  on  works  performed  in   social and  economic field  in 2013. Chief  of  Region’s  Executive  Power Sabuhi Abdullayev, village residents, intellectuals participated  in the  meeting. Administrative  territorial  representative  of  the  settlement   Vidadi  Mahmudov  who  delivered a speech  with report    at the meeting   made  a detailed  report  gave  detailed  information  to  the  meeting participants.  Speaker  in his  report  mainly  talked    about  the  works  done  in  2013 and  forthcoming issues.   He  emphasized that   the  volume  of  construction and renovation works  carried  out  in Nij  settlement   increased, settlement  was  substantially  renovated, park was  laid  out  in order  people  could  spend their  leisure time  effectively, central street  was  reconstructed  and  edges  were worked  out  with  a decorative fence, lighting system  was  re-installed, population’s  social  welfare  condition  was  substantially  improved, many  workplaces  were  opened. Village  residents Rovshan Balayev, Oleg  Danakari, Babek Mammadov, Sergey  Antonov  and others  who  delivered  a speech  in the  event  expressed their satisfaction with  the scope  of  social and economic development  continued  in the settlement, measures taken  by  Mr.President  Ilham Aliyev   towards  improving  people’s living standards. Chief  of  Region’s  Executive  Power  Mr. Sabuhi  Abdullayev  made  a  speech  at the  meeting. Head  of REP spoke about   achievements  gained as a result  of  successful continuation of Heydar  Aliyev’s  political  course   in  the  country  in 2013  and  recent years, successful outcome of these  achievements  in  Gabala as well as  in Nij settlement, implementation  of tasks that set forth, ways  to solve  the   raised  problems and  thoroughly  answered  to the  asked  questions.
