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The event was held in connection with "October 1st - International Day of Older Persons".

02 October 2014 | 03:00

The "International Day of Older Persons" was celebrated in Gabala region.
At the beginning the event participants laid flowers at the monument of national leader Heydar Aliyev.
Then, the event was continued at the festive table in the "Gabala" Hotel. Opening the event, chairman of the District Board of Elders Nazim Mustafayev noted that on the basis of a resolution adopted in 1992 by the General Assembly of the United Nations to protect the senior citizens, October the 1st is celebrated as the International Day of Older Persons, and within this festival he congratulated all of elders, senior citizens of the area.
Stressing that this issue is receiving serious attention in our Republic also, the speaker noted that on June 22, 2001 the Law of Azerbaijan Republic "On Social Assistance to Elders" was adopted and citizens who have reached 70 years of age are considered to be senior citizens.
Nazim Mustafayev brought to attention that in order to carry out the practical activities for the study of social problems of the senior citizens in our country, and to solve their issues together with relevant organizations, every year since 1993 this festival is celebrated in our republic.
Then speakers talked about the state care to our elders, the status of elders in our society today, and our younger generation being in need of them. Taking part in the event, First Deputy Head of the Executive Power of Gabala region Abil Aghasafov congratulated elders with the holiday and wished them good health and long life.
