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İcra Hakimiyyəti
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A professional holiday of postal workers was celebrated.

09 October 2014 | 15:00

October 9th - in connection with the Universal Postal Union turning 140 years and the World Post Day, Post Office workers of Gabala region celebrated their professional holiday. Firstly, post office workers, arriving at the Heydar Aliyev Park, laid flowers at the monument of the national leader, expressed their respect to the great leader.
Then, in the auditorium of the post office a meeting was held on the occasion of the professional holiday. Speaking at the meeting, Head of the Post Office of Gabala region Rauf Karimov told about reforms in the field of postal services and achievements in this field.
It was brought to the attention that the Universal Postal Union passing the great historical path of development for the 140 years since the establishment, currently combining 193 countries of the world as country members, plays an important role not only in the postal sector, but also in the whole the international community, and has turned into a structure that works in close connection with other international organizations.
It was noted that after gaining state independence of our republic as a result of successful domestic and foreign policy, the foundation of which was laid by the great son of our people Heydar Aliyev, is firmly and steadily continued by our esteemed President Mr. Ilham Aliyev, postal service in our country has also changed fundamentally, was integrated into a new stage of development.
It was also noted that as a result, our country has become a full member of several international associations and organizations in the field of postal service, established direct international postal relations with most countries of the world. It has been said that our postal service, basing its activities in accordance with the recommendations and standards of the Universal Postal Union, has achieved sustainable development. During the event the postmaster of the Amirvan village Afsar Seyfaddin Ovchuyev was awarded the Honour Diploma of "Azerpocht LLC" for "the long productive activities in the postal field."
In conclusion, the photos were taken for the memory.
