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İcra Hakimiyyəti
Hot line: (+994 24) 205-42-20

Burning of trash and scrubs must be prevented!

12 July 2021 | 16:00

The 112 hotline of the Ministry of Emergency Situations receives daily information about the burning of trash and scrubs. While fires at homes, large businesses, factories and other large facilities are alarming people, burning of trash and scrubs seems unessential to many people. Every fire accident is actually extraordinary accident. A fire is a fire no matter how big or how small, because big fire is usually generated from small one. If the bushes on the side of the road burn and go into the woods and hundreds of hectares of forest are destroyed or if the reaped, harvested grain field is burned and if this fire spreads to haystacks, houses and damages the environment, this is not a trivial fire. The Ministry of Emergency Situations puts great emphasis on every information received by the “112” hotline, including the fire as an emergency. As soon as information about fire is received, the fire department of the State Fire Protection Service, located in the immediate vicinity of the incident, is notified. Employees waiting for the alarm every second are ready and go to the scene in less than a minute. Although the size of the fire is small, it is a waste of time, labor, fuel and public funds. We do not yet talk about refueling, washing and cleaning the fire truck after each fire, the firefighting work spent on drying the fire hoses. After all, they can use this energy and labor not to put out the negligence of people, sometimes deliberately burning garbage, dry bushes, harvested grain fields, but to put out other fires. As being seen, burning of domestic waste, dried scrubs, and harvested grain fields is impermissible, and such fire accidents are caused either unknowingly or deliberately. Burning of sowing areas leads to degradation of the top fertile layer of agricultural lands as a result, as well as violation of soil nutrient balance in arable lands. However, burning of sowing areas, dry scrubs gives cause for failure of engineering communication systems along with creating a fire hazard in other nearby areas, settlements and forest areas.

The State Fire Protection Service of MES
