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İcra Hakimiyyəti
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Attention must be paid to fire safety rules in the autumn-winter season

29 September 2021 | 04:00

Fire statistics show that the number of fires increases in the autumn-winter period compared to the spring-summer period due to the cooling of the weather, the growing demand of the people for heating systems and the increased use of electricity and gas for this purpose. In our country, as in other parts of the world, this increase is observed in the autumn-winter season, and most of the fires fall on the residential sector. Unfortunately, it is still impossible to completely prevent these accidents. However, it is possible to minimize the number of fires, prevent fatalities during the accident, and this is the main task of the State Fire Control Service. Every year, the State Fire Control Service carries out various preventive measures in connection with the beginning of the autumn-winter season. The most tragic fires are those that result in fatalities, and, of course, this is observed during the fires in apartments. Although awareness-raising talks are held among the population, awareness-raising activities are conducted using mass media and promotional tools on a regular basis, our citizens make the same mistakes again, thus leading to new fires and other disasters. As a result, they are hospitalized with serious injuries or lose their lives. Therefore, it is important to carry out awareness-raising works to inspect high-rise buildings, residential houses, increase fire-technical awareness among the population, and this issue must be constantly in the focus of attention of the heads of enterprises, relevant measures must be taken in connection with the implementation of instructions and recommendations given by the employees of the State Fire Control Service. Every year, in connection with the beginning of the autumn-winter season, employees of the State Fire Control Service carry out awareness-raising activities to increase fire safety in areas and regions in order to prevent fires and fatalities in apartments. The results of the analysis of fires show that the main causes of fires in apartments were violation of fire safety rules during the installation and operation of electrical and gas appliances, carelessness when working with fire and welding, children’s mischief with fire, etc. Therefore, taking into account the cooling of the weather in the autumn-winter season in the republic, in order to strengthen preventive measures to eliminate the factors that create conditions for occurrence of fires, awareness-raising activities were carried out among residents in apartments, and the population was informed that the use of open flames, i.e. candles and torches for lighting, drying of clothes on and near the stove, use of hand-made electrical equipment and devices, storage of flammable items and household gas cylinders in the attics near the chimneys, operation of faulty gas appliances, children’s mischief with fire pose a real fire hazard. At the same time, for this purpose, the residents were provided with “For the attention of citizens” memory cards prepared by the Service, “Rules of conduct in case of fire in the apartment”, “Rules of protection from carbon monoxide” stickers were placed in the elevator cabs of buildings. Representatives of housing and communal services, gas and electricity consumption departments, region municipalities and executive powers were also involved in this work. Recently, cases of carbon monoxide poisoning have been observed among the population during the operation of gas appliances. It was found that most of these incidents occur due to non-observance of safety rules by citizens. Carbon monoxide poisoning occurs when there is a fire, when the stove lid is closed early, when the car engine is running in the garage, indoors. In apartments, the danger of carbon monoxide poisoning most often occurs when heating the house with heaters or in the bathroom. Accidents such as explosions, fires and poisonings, which result in fatalities and injuries, also occur due to improper use of gas appliances in accordance with the instructions. In order to avoid such emergencies, the use of non-standard gas appliances in residential areas is prohibited. The safety devices of every household gas appliance must always be in good condition and the safety rules established during their use must be fully complied with! During public awareness campaigns against fires in meetings with the population, they must be informed that the attention must be paid that the switchboards installed in the blocks and floors of residential buildings are in good condition, operated in accordance with the requirements of the “Rules for installation of electrical equipment” and “Fire safety rules”, and only electrical fuses complying with standards are used in electrical boards. Also, attics must be kept clean, wooden structural elements must be impregnated with refractory mortar, existing windows must be glazed, attic exit doors, as well as doors installed in fire walls and ventilation chambers must be closed and tight. Basements in residential buildings must be kept clean at all times, entrance doors must be closed and keys must be in one of the apartments on the first floor or in the commandant’s office. The use of gas appliances in facilities operating on the first floor and basement of buildings must not be allowed. Care must always be taken to keep the fire passages provided for in the project on the first floor of residential buildings open and not to be used for other purposes. Crossings must not be allowed to be blocked by certain organizations and departments, residents. Attention must be paid to the safe use of electrical and gas appliances, proper installation and cleaning of smoke pipes and chimneys in residential buildings. Storage of flammable and combustible liquids, operation of any enterprises, workshops and other facilities on the first floor and basement of residential buildings, creation of kitchens in stairwells and corridors, as well as storing of household items under stairs and their platforms are prohibited. On the floors of high-rise residential buildings, internal fire water taps must be equipped with hoses, connecting caps and nozzles, water pumps, automatic fire alarm systems, smoke removal and ventilation systems must be in working order. Strict attention must be paid to the observance of fire safety rules during the transportation and collection of dried grass in suburb and rural settlements, as well as in private backyards, the use of stoves. All this, of course, serves to prevent fires in apartments, private residential areas and prevent fatalities during the accident.

Fire Awareness Department of the State Fire Control Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations
