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Gabala region volleyball tournament among the youth was held for "Gabala State Historical and Artistic Reserve" cup

29 November 2021 | 16:00

According to the memorandum of cooperation signed by Gabala State Historical and Artistic Reserve, the Department of Youth and Sports of Gabala region and Gabala State Vocational Education Center, Gabala region volleyball tournament among the youth took place in the sports hall of Gabala State Vocational Education Center on November 29, 2021. The purpose of the tournament was to increase competitive experience and skills of athletes, to spread the volleyball among the youth and increase its mass character. In accordance with the results of Gabala region volleyball tournament among the youth, Gabala State Vocational Education Center team took I, Gabala city Complete Secondary School No. 2 team - II, Gabala city Complete secondary school No. 1 team - III place. The winning teams were awarded cups and diplomas, as well prizes.
