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Report meeting of Gabala city administrative territorial representation on the activities implemented in 2013.

31 January 2014 | 16:00

Report meeting on the activities implemented in 2013 was held in Gabala city administrative territorial representation. City community members, directors of departments, enterprises and private organizations took part in the meeting. Representative of Gabala region executive Power on Gabala city administrative territory Ramin Aliyev opened the meeting and presented summary report on executed works to the participants of the meeting. Firstly, the information on extensive construction works carried out in our Republic in 2013 under the leadership of honorable President Ilham Aliyev was submitted to listeners.  It was mentioned that improvement of socio-economic condition, successful policy providing balanced development of economy made our state one of the leading countries in the world as well. The present development and progress of Azerbaijan is the consequence of socio-economic policy successfully realized by the head of state, Mr. Ilham Aliyev. It is the effect of care and attention paid by the President of Azerbaijan, Mr. Ilham Aliyev to different parts of country that now regions and villages change their view, comprehensive construction works are carried out everywhere, social welfare of people is improved.  Gabala region as well as Gabala city experience a period of rapid development on the background of Azerbaijan’s current development and progress. Reporter stated that Gabala city hosted the important international events last year. Territorial representation assumed set of measures for high-level organization of services provided for Gabala city residents. Population’s needs for electrical energy, natural gas, telephone and internet services, potable water, and communal services have been met. The works on the 1st stage for reconstruction of water supply and sewage system had been followed as well as building and construction works on the 2nd stage have been started. The assumption of measures for organization of recreation of city residents and visitors is in progress. Heydar Aliyev Park located in the center of the city was expanded and cultural center meeting modern requirements was put into service. Various events are held here with local and foreign cultural figures’ performance.
