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An event related to the "Day of Azerbaijani Youth" was held in Gabala regional culture centre

03 February 2022 | 06:00

An event under the name of "Healthy future with healthy youth", dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the establishment of "February 2 - Day of Azerbaijani Youth" and organized by Gabala region Committee of the Trade union of cultural workers, was held in Gabala regional culture centre. First, an exhibition of the handmade works of talented youth was visited, then the event was continued at round table. The event was opened by the chairman of Gabala region committee of TUCW, Malik Aghayev, who honoured with the moment of silence the memory of the martyrs who had liberated our lands at the expense of their lives. Chief consultant on Gabala region of Ismayilli regional department of culture, Nargila Gafarova, who spoke at the event, congratulated the team, consisting mainly of youth, and wished them success in their future activities. The young people who spoke at the event talked about great attention and care provided by the government, about successful continuation by the President Ilham Aliyev of the youth policy, based by great leader, Heydar Aliyev, noted that the youth should also show high activity and patriotism in the life of the country in response to the attitude of the government. Conclude, a group of cultural workers and participants who had been distinguished at the exhibition were awarded the "Certificates of Honour" of Gabala region committee of TUCW.
