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The Chairman of Gabala Regional Organization for YAP was introduced to public representatives

10 February 2022 | 16:00

On February 10, 2022, the induction ceremony was arranged for the newly appointed Chairman of Gabala Regional Organization for Yeni Azerbaijan Party in the Cultural Center of Gabala. The officers of the district executive power, law enforcement agencies, departments, enterprises, organizations, public representatives and party activists attended the induction ceremony. Ceremony participants firstly visited the monument of Great Leader Heydar Aliyev, put flowers at his tomb and honored his memory. Starting the ceremony with introductory speech Sabuhi Abdullayev, Head of Gabala District Executive Power said that today Yeni Azerbaijan Party had become the strongest and prestigious political power in our country and gathered the most intelligent strata of society around itself. The Head of the District Executive Power pointed out that chairpersons of local organizations of the party had been appointed by the Decision dated January 28, 2022 of YAP Board of Management according to requirements of the new Charter of the party and introduced Aghasafov Abil Adil, the Chairman of Gabala Regional Organization for YAP to the public. Party activists spoke about the establishment history of Gabala Regional Organization for YAP and congratulated Abil Aghasafov on his appointment as the Chairman of the organization. Abil Aghasafov who was appointed the Chairman of Gabala Regional Organization for YAP, thanked the President, YAP management for trusting him, and said that he would faithfully serve for the people, government and statehood of Azerbaijan further. Finally, the Head of the District Executive Power presented the Honorary Decree of the District Executive Power to Abil Aghasafov for his effective works and wished him best of luck in his future endeavors.
