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Professional holiday was celebrated in Regional Tax Office No. 10

12 February 2014 | 16:00

In connection of the 14th anniversary of the creation of the Ministry of  Taxes and professional holiday of employees of Tax Service, coming to Heydar Aliyev Park in Gabala on February 11, personnel of the Regional Tax Office No. 10 laid fresh flowers at the monument of the National leader. Then event was continued in the assembly hall of the office. In the event the Head of Regional Tax Office No. 10 Shahismayil Bayramov talked about the successes that the Ministry of Taxes had achieved within its 14 years history, its economic achievements, future duties. The chairman of the Council of Elders of the Gabala Region Nazim Mustafayev, who participated as honorable guest in the event, wished success to the tax officers in their glorious works, gave his recommendations. Then, Alfaddin Asgarov and Valiyaddin Tahirov, who have been distinguished in their work and have been prematurely given special rank by the Ministry of Taxes on the occasion of the professional holiday, thanked the management for the shown trust. 
