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The personal exhibition of the Gabala artist was opened.

18 April 2015 | 06:00

In the National Gallery of Gabala the personal exhibition of young artist Orhan Mammadov, Member of the Union of Artists of Azerbaijan was opened. At the exhibition our compatriot Orhan Mammadov, presented 18 works of art created by his usual interesting way. Cutting off various pieces of works written in oils on canvas, linking them together in a logical way, he created a kind of abstract and philosophical canvas making the viewer to think. Needling independent stories in peculiar way by threads and ropes, the author has created its inherent abstract works of art that are consonant with the new artistic trends and styles.
A growing trend in this genre of modern Azerbaijani school of painting influenced the work of Orhan Mammadov.
Of course, this kind of product has its viewers. Views of the abstract artist, the idea and core of created works are better understood by an intelligent spectator.
The opening of the exhibition, presented in an interesting genre, was attended by the head of the Executive Power of Gabala region, Mr. Sabuhi Abdullayev, the staff of the DEP, senior officials of departments and organizations, and other intellectuals.
The exhibition made an impression on the participants.
