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Championship of the region on the "Border" military-sport game

20 April 2015 | 15:00

In order to educate the young generation in the spirit of respect to the Motherland, its borders, and to increase interest in the profession of border guards, with the organizational support of Sheki Border Detachment of the State Border Service, District Department of Youth and Sport, and the district education department, the Championship of the region on "Border" military-sport game was held in Gabala.
At the opening ceremony of the military-sport game organized at the Tikanly frontier post, the national anthem was sounded, in their statements representatives of the Sheki City Border Detachment, Gabala Region Department of Youth and Sports, as well as the Department of Education, told the young border guards of the purpose, the essence of the game. Speakers noted that the motherland begins with the border. Today, while 20 percent of our native Azerbaijan suffered enemy occupation, our border guards have more complex, responsible and honorable duty: to be more attentive and alert to repel the attacks of the opposite side, which may occur at any time, and to protect the public border as the apple of an eye.
The competition was attended by the teams of 10 class students of the secondary schools. The teams competed in 8 stages, and in the end, the team of the high school of Abryh village was awarded I place, a team of secondary school No. 2 of Vandam village - II place, and a team of high school of Tikanly village - III place. Students of Abryh village won the right to participate in the zonal stage, which will be held in Sheki.
At the end of the competition the young border guards were awarded diplomas of the Department of Youth and Sport.
