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İcra Hakimiyyəti
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The anniversary of the outstanding scientist was celebrated.

28 April 2015 | 15:00

Women's Council of Gabala Region Organization of the NAP held in Heydar Aliyev Center an event on the occasion of 92 anniversary of the birth of the outstanding scientist, academician Zarifa Aliyeva. The event was attended by the representatives of the intellectuals actively involved in social and political life of the region and members of the Women's Council of the organization of the party.
Opening the event with the introductory remarks, the chairperson of the Women's Council Arifa Bayramova gave details about the life and scientific activity of the outstanding scientist, academician Zarifa Aliyeva, brought to the attention of the participants her achievements in the development of medical science. Many monographs of the scientist, returning sight to many people, being noted for the boundless love to the profession, have now become a handbook for ophthalmologists.
The speaker noted that the medical dedication, high civic responsibility, sincerity and diligence, attention shown to the people and their problems, active life brought her deep respect of her colleagues, students and patients.
The speakers talked about the great success of Academician Zarifa Aliyeva, achieved in the development of Azerbaijan healthcare, as a scientist.
At the end of the event a video was shown on the scientific activity of the outstanding scientist.
