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İcra Hakimiyyəti
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For the first time in Azerbaijan "Field Days" were held in Gabala.

02 May 2015 | 15:00

On May 2 Gabala region hosted the international event dedicated to "Field days". The opening ceremony of the international event, reflecting the latest innovations and opportunities in the agricultural sector, was attended by 50 local and foreign companies, including about 2,000 delegations. During the event, which was attended by the representatives of government agencies, foreign embassies, non-governmental organizations and businesses involved in the agriculture sector, the speeches were made by the Deputy Minister of Agriculture Ilham Guliyev, the Head of the Executive Power of Gabala region Sabuhi Abdullayev, head of the agriculture sector of "Gilan Holding" chairman of the Organizing Committee Abulfaz Malikov, the Ambassador of Belarus to Azerbaijan Republic Nikolay Paskevich, the president of the "Omca Tarm" Turkish company Huggy Shafak, rector of the Azerbaijan State Agricultural University, corresponding member of ANAS, academician Ibrahim Jafarov, and others.
The Head of the Executive Power of Gabala region Sabuhi Abdullayev noted in his speech that in recent years in all areas great progress was achieved, financial opportunities of Azerbaijan increased; our country has become an initiator and main participants of transnational projects. Creation of the regional infrastructure up to the modern standards, beginning of activities of enterprises, based on the newest technologies, support for entrepreneurship, improvement of the business environment, all these contribute to further growth of authority of our state in the world, improving the competitiveness of the economy and the continuous improvement of living standards.
Speaker noted that due to the economic policies implemented under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, the regions have reached a new qualitative stage of development. Successful implementation of the measures provided for in the agricultural sector of the State Program of socio-economic development of regions, plays a crucial role in the agricultural sector. One and the most important policy priorities of economic diversification are to achieve a high level of agricultural development, establish in the Republic the powerful agro-industrial complexes. As it is known, ensuring growth in agriculture and the implementation of effective measures, meeting the requirements of the modern period in this direction, is constantly in the spotlight of the President. Announcement of 2015 "The Year of Agriculture" in Azerbaijan in accordance with the Order of the President under the number 988 dated on January 12, of this year, once again confirms that the development of the agricultural sector in our country is an important area of public policy.
Speaking about the importance of "Field days" for the first time in Azerbaijan, speakers stressed that along with the presentation of the latest innovations and opportunities in the agricultural sector, the aim is to bring together consumers and suppliers. Here, preference is generally given to innovation in the technology and industry of the agricultural sector. "Field Days" gave the opportunity to meet face to face with customers to discuss important issues and exchange views, get more specific target audience, a comparative presentation of goods and services, the possibility of promotion and marketing, more adaptive and free environment.
It was noted that within the organization of "Field days" Azerbaijan uses the experience of neighboring countries, support the state policy on development of the agricultural sector in our country, promotes socio-economic development of regions, encourages the development of small and medium businesses, in particular farms and family farms, provides lighter opportunity to business subjects to obtain accurate information about agriculture, as well as brings to citizens (consumers) full information on the potential of the agricultural sector. Within the project in the period from April to October in Gabala on 28 acres of land every entrepreneur in the field of agriculture will demonstrate within 6 months the products of planting, cultivation, harvest, and companies engaged in agricultural machinery - their technique and equipment.
After the presentations, the event participants familiarized with the exhibition of agricultural products, herbal medicines, agricultural machinery, fertilizers, food, drinks and juices, laboratory equipment, animal and plant products. During the event for the first time the miniature of "Farm house" was demonstrated to be established in Guba region. It was mentioned that in the future, the establishment of the "Farm houses", that is currently a pilot project, will be provided in all regions of the republic. These houses will provide solutions to the problems faced by farmers; they will get there the certain advices and help.
In conclusion, the guests reviewed the livestock breeding complex.
